Afrofuturism in Brazil: Ancestral Roots and Visions of the Future

Gil Santos
Afrofuturism in Brazil: Ancestral Roots and Visions of the Future

Dear reader, it is with great pleasure that we present a brief overview of Afrofuturism in Brazil. As we previously discussed in our Afrofuturism Guide, the history of Afrofuturism began in the United States in the 1950s, being an idea based on African ancestry and a futuristic perspective. This artistic-cultural movement has its roots in the African diaspora and seeks to redefine Black narratives through research and experience.

Within the realm of the arts, Afrofuturism is present in various forms, from literature to fashion and music. In Brazil, for example, this movement gains strength as artists and researchers explore the Afro-Brazilian theme from a new perspective. Today, the influence of Afrofuturism on Brazilian culture and its contribution to the appreciation of black identity is undeniable.

Brazilian Afrofuturism: Roots and Reinvention

Afrofuturism has incredible chances of growth and impact in Brazil, thanks to the strong presence of African culture in the country. Brazil, being the country with the largest population of African descent outside of Africa, has a rich cultural tapestry that is deeply influenced by its African roots.

This creates fertile ground for Afrofuturism, a movement that combines elements of African culture with technology and science fiction to imagine alternative futures for the African diaspora.

Furthermore, Afrofuturism offers an opportunity for Brazilians of African descent to redefine their identity and history, challenging dominant narratives and exploring new possibilities through creative imagination. This is particularly relevant in Brazil, where African history and culture have often been marginalized and suppressed.

Thus, Afrofuturism has the potential to open new paths for cultural expression and self-affirmation in Brazil, while celebrating the country's rich African heritage.

Afrofuturism and Brazilian Literature

Pioneering authors in Brazil

Afrofuturism in Brazilian literature has its roots in authors who dared to explore this genre. An important name is Fábio Kabral, author of the books "The Cybernetic Hunter of Thirteenth Street" (2017), "The Warrior Scientist of the Furious Machete" (2019), and "Rites of Passage" (2016), considered the first Brazilian Afrofuturist novel. His work addresses racial issues through the lens of fantasy and African futurism.

Another essential author in the Brazilian Afrofuturism scene is Lu Ain-Zaila, with her works "(Un)Truths" and "(R)Evolution". Her narratives combine traditional elements of African and Afro-Brazilian culture with futuristic visions, contributing significantly to the genre in the country.

Notable books

In addition to the ones mentioned, other books also contribute to the consolidation of Afrofuturism in Brazilian literature:

  • Short story “Ancestar" by Ana Maria Gonçalves, included in “A Color Flaw”
  • "The Last Ancestor" by Ale Santos
  • “The Sky Between Worlds” by Sandra Menezes

These works are much more than novels and science fiction; they are a powerful way to live and interpret reality through the lenses of Afrofuturism.

Black Representation

Afrofuturist literature plays a crucial role in black representation. It allows readers to see themselves represented in stories that are usually dominated by the Eurocentric gaze. Furthermore, the genre challenges the negative stereotypes associated with the black population, presenting powerful and complex characters.

Challenges faced by authors

Despite the advances, there are still many challenges faced by Afro-Brazilian authors in this genre. The lack of visibility is a constant problem, as is the difficulty in finding publishers willing to publish these works. However, the growing interest in the topic is beginning to change this reality.

To overcome these obstacles, many writers are opting for self-publishing or small independent publishers committed to literary diversity.

In summary, Afrofuturism in Brazilian literature is a fertile field for exploration and innovation. It offers new perspectives on important racial and social issues, while providing a valuable platform for marginalized voices to be heard.

Afrofuturism in National Performing Arts

Afrofuturism, with its growing number of followers in various forms of art, is strengthening in Brazil. This is particularly evident in the performing arts, where the presence of young blacks is increasing. For the genre to thrive, it is crucial that blacks are not only on stage but also lead in creation, production, and important decisions.

Notable Afrofuturist Plays in Brazilian Theater:

  • Play “Dandara and Bizum - On the Way to Wakanda”, by Confraria do Impossível: This children's and youth play combines deep research on African and Afro-diasporic foundations with an Afrofuturist aesthetic, reflecting on the dramas of human existence from the perspective of two black peripheral slum children.
  • Play ƎX-MAGINATION: On show in Belo Horizonte, this play features a black alien who embarks on a journey of self-discovery on Earth. The narrative explores themes of colonization, black diaspora, sexual and gender freedom, being inspired by the experiences of black women who love other women.
  • Ícaro and the Black Stars with Ícaro Silva: Launched in 2018 and still running, this musical transports the audience on an intergalactic journey. Ícaro, as the commander of a spaceship, lands at different moments in history to present great black music stars, from Bob Marley to Ludmilla, in a fusion of sci-fi with musical tributes.

Influences and Expansion of Afrofuturism:

Since the pioneering film "Space Is The Place" (1974), through Beyoncé's visual album "Black Is King" (2020), and the most recent feature film "They Cloned Tyrone!" on Netflix, Afrofuturism has influenced various areas of cultural production. In Brazil, artists like Xênia França and Helen Oléria, as well as writers like Alê Santos and Sandra Menezes, have embraced the genre.

Afrofuturist Representation in National Cinema

"Executive Order" by Lázaro Ramos

"Executive Order", original titled as "Medida Provisória" in Brazil, is a Brazilian film directed by Lázaro Ramos. Set in a futuristic dystopia in Brazil, the film presents a society where the government issues an executive order for the shipment of all Afro-Brazilian citizens to Africa as a solution to the "racial problem". The film is a critical and provocative analysis of racial issues in Brazil, offering a unique Afrofuturist perspective on the topic.

Executive Order movie

The main characters, played by Alfred Enoch and Taís Araújo, are a couple who decide to fight against this unjust order. Through their journey, the film explores themes of identity, racism, and resistance. "Executive Order" is a powerful social commentary that highlights the importance of Afrofuturist representation in national cinema. With an engaging narrative and memorable performances, Lázaro Ramos' film is a significant addition to Brazilian cinema.

"Mars One", by Gabriel Martins

"Mars One", directed by Gabriel Martins, shows the Martins family, living in a large Brazilian city, facing the turbulent politics with the rise of a radical right-wing leader. Tércia, the mother, after an unforeseen event, questions her fate. Wellington, the father, bets on the future of his son, Deivinho, who dreams of space and Mars. Eunice, the eldest daughter, falls in love with a free-spirited woman and thinks about leaving her home.

Mars One movie

The narrative, set in the heart of Minas Gerais, touchingly captures moments of tenderness and the complexities of family relationships. "Mars One" captivated viewers at the Gramado Film Festival in 2022 and made its international debut at the prestigious Sundance festival. The film's name alludes to a real project from 2012, with plans to send humans to establish a colony on Mars, reflecting Deivinho's cosmic dreams, aspiring to follow the path of astrophysics.

Challenges Faced by Black Filmmakers

Despite these advances, black filmmakers face numerous challenges in creating African future content in a market dominated by eurocentric narratives. The lack of funding is a significant issue, as is the resistance of the mainstream audience to stories that deviate from traditional Western norms.

However, these filmmakers continue to push the boundaries of Brazilian cinema, using Afrofuturism as a tool to explore new perspectives and tell unheard stories. They bear witness to the cultural richness of the African diaspora and its unique ability to imagine alternative futures through the lens of cinema.

In summary, Afrofuturism in Brazil is more than just an aesthetic trend; it is a powerful and subversive way to reimagine the past, present, and future of black culture in the country.


Afrofuturism has played a crucial role in redefining the Brazilian cultural narrative. Through literature, performing arts, fashion, and cinema, the movement has provided a powerful platform for expressing Afro-Brazilian identity and experience. Additionally, with ongoing projects promising to further strengthen the presence of Afrofuturism in Brazil, the future looks bright for this movement.

Now is the time to dive deeper into this fascinating universe. Explore the works of Brazilian Afrofuturist authors, watch films that address this theme, and participate in related events. By doing so, you will be contributing to greater representation and cultural diversity in the country.


Who are some notable Brazilian Afrofuturist authors?

Some notable authors include Fábio Kabral, Lu Ain-Zaila, Ana Maria Gonçalves, and Ale Santos.

Where can I watch movies or plays with Afrofuturist themes?

There are many cinema and theater festivals that showcase works with Afrofuturist themes. Moreover, streaming platforms like Netflix also have a variety of such content.

How does Afrofuturism influence Brazilian fashion?

Afrofuturism strongly influences Brazilian fashion through the use of traditional African patterns combined with futuristic elements. Many designers are incorporating these concepts into their collections.

Are there any events related to Afrofuturism in Brazil?

Yes, there are several events that include celebration of Afrofuturism in Brazil. An example is the Black Latinities Festival, which highlights the contributions of black women in art and culture.

How can I support the Afrofuturist movement in Brazil?

You can support by buying books from Afrofuturist authors, watching films and plays with this theme, or participating in related events.

About the Author

Gil Santos

With over 20 years of experience in various narrative mediums, Gil Santos is the singular mind behind Culture Bay. His journey began as a lyricist and web developer, later expanding into crafting dynamic conference presentations and engaging YouTube sketches. This diverse background has allowed him to hone his storytelling skills across different fields. Santos' lifelong passion for sci-fi and fantasy, combined with his knack for interactive storytelling, culminate in Culture Bay - a fusion of innovative ideas and engaging narratives intended for all to enjoy.



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